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WHSR™ Video Conference with Soraya Correa, DHS CPO

Join us on April 2nd at 1 pm for our Inaugural Video Conference with Soraya Correa, DHS CPO. We've asked Soraya to discuss various fast acquisition tools available to DHS under the FAR and outside the FAR such as OTA and Section 880 of the NDAA FY17. While it's an unprecedented time in our country and teleworking is the state of the day, DHS business and acquisitions must continue on.

Soraya is a favorite of WHSR and its' members and we look forward to her bringing us the current plans.

Registration is limited to 3 per firm for this video conference. This is a WHSR member only event.

March 20

POSTPONED - WHSR™ Luncheon with David Glawe, Under Secretary for Intelligence and Analysis, DHS

April 16

WHSR™ Conference with Charles "Chase" Wollenhaupt, Acting Deputy Assistant Secretary, DHS Private Sector Office